
Updated: Exchange Mailbox Cleaner

I have really been busy lately and have not had much time to spend on scripting. I did however find a litlle time to update this utility. Here is a list of changes:

 - After completing a query, the utility will now show you the total amount of data used by the mailboxes. (this obviously ignores single instance storage etc.)
 - You can now use the utility to move selected mailboxes to another store (This was a request from Aaron)
 - I have force removed the mandatory “confirm” on the Exchange verbs (move, disabled and delete) 

WARNING: This is a dangerous utility, and can wreck your Exchange system if you are not careful. Please test this in your test environment first, and adhere to your change control procedures before using this utility in the live environment. I take absolutely no responsibility for any damage caused by using this tool. The utility requires the Exchange Management shell, and if launched from a Vista / Windows 7 needs to be “Run as Administrator” The script can be downloaded from here: 

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