
Updated basic Exchange queue monitor

As an update to the queue monitor script, I have added a little tweak.

When the script has completed its run, it will now import the log file into Excel and create a chart displaying the message flow for the current log.

The Excel chart export seems to have a problem with the current folder. I tried using “.\” or even get-location and set location in variables, but it only works if I hard code the path.

This image can be used on a web page to display the queue information in more friendly and accessible format.Excel is set to overwrite the existing image and spreadsheet everytime the script runs.

An awesome source of Excel related information can be located at the Excel Cookbook. This information saved me a lot of time an effort while working with Excel.

Information regarding Excel chart types and styles can be found here.

The complete script with the Excel chart export section can be downloaded from here:

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A very basic queue monitor

At my office we recently needed a method to quickly know if the queues on any of the Exchange servers were building up. We have monitoring in place, but these guys can sometimes miss a build-up which leaves us with the problem.

As a very rudimentary solution, I compiled the following script.
In a nutshell, it enumerates the message count of all the queues on all Exchange servers in the Org. This includes Exchange 2003 and 2007. The script then measures the sum total of all messages. If it exceeds a predetermined amount, 1000 in my case, it will send a notification message to the administrators.

This is really a catch 22, if the server with the queue build-up is also your relay host, or happens to be the server with the problem. As a workaround for this you could probably do a NET SEND message or use 2 SMTP servers to relay the message through. An alternative is to send an SMS to administrators if you have the facility.

Initially the script waited with a while loop and polled the queues every 5 minutes. I have opted to change that, and launch the script with Task Scheduler instead, which means I don’t have to actually be logged onto the console for the script to run.

The script writes out the date and message count to a log. This log cycles daily.
I know this is very basic, but it gets the job done in terms of what we needed as an interim solution.

You can download the script here:

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Updated: Exchange Mailbox Cleaner

 I am ready to call this the final version of my Exchange Mailbox Cleaner script.

I have successfully used it in production and it saved us the effort of having to find and remove these mailboxes manually.

The GUI also makes it easy to hand this function over to the administrators for future cleanup tasks.

I have added one more search query button, the “Last Logon” button. This button will look for users on the selected server where the LastLogon is equal to $null.  This finds accounts which have essentially never logged on. There is a small bug though, if the user name is not unique, it seems that the last logon is unreadable and the account will also show up in the list.

This will however report an ERROR to the shell screen. Mailboxes which have not logged on will report the following warning to the shell:

WARNING: There is no data to return for the specified mailbox 'Bunny, Bugs', because it has not been logged on to.

For now, this is a manual method of verifying that the correct mailboxes will be removed. I am however looking for a way to avoid this and will post an update as soon as I have time to find the solution.

I have also permanently removed the Add-ADPermission from the Export-Mailbox section, as full mailbox access permissions are enough to export the mailbox.

I may build in a check later to see if the permissions are required before adding them.
#Add-ADPermission -Identity $actionItem -User $currentUser -Extendedrights "Send As" -whatif 
#Add-ADPermission -Identity $actionItem -User $currentUser -Extendedrights "Receive As" -whatif 
As always, any comments / suggestions with regards to the script are always welcome.

A little disclaimer / warning: This is a dangerous utility, and can wreck your Exchange system if you are not careful. Please test this in your test environment first, and adhere to your change control procedures before using this utility in the live environment. I take absolutely no responsibility for any damage caused by using this tool.

The utility requires the Exchange Management shell, and if launched from a Vista / Windows 7 needs to be “Run as Administrator”

This script was tested under Windows 7 Powershell v2 The script can be downloaded from here:

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