
Audit the local Administrators group on a list of remote computers

This is a very basic script which collects a list of server names from a local text file called servers.txt. The script reports the list of users, sorted by server name to a local text file in the root of drive C. I am working on cleaning up the results, as currently the "Adspath" reports to the text file in the following format: WinNT://DOMAIN/COMPUTER/Administrator This was the only true distinction between local or domain users, as "Name" reports only the name of the user or group. So you are never really sure if it is a domain or local entry. Finally I need to enable the script to report its results to Excel or HTML.

$Result = @()

foreach($server in (gc .\servers.txt)){

$computer = [ADSI](”WinNT://” + $server + “,computer”)
$Group = $computer.psbase.children.find(”Administrators”)

function getAdmins
{$members = $Group.psbase.invoke(”Members”) | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember(”Adspath”, ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)}

$Result += $server
$Result += ( getAdmins )
$Result += " "

$Result > c:\results.txt
Invoke-Item c:\results.txt

I had a little extra time today, and managed to clean up the members using the -replace parameter, replace "DOMAIN" with your domain name. The updated code looks something like this:
$Result = @()

foreach($server in (gc .\servers.txt)){

$computer = [ADSI](”WinNT://” + $server + “,computer”)
$Group = $computer.psbase.children.find(”Administrators”)

function getAdmins
{$members = ($Group.psbase.invoke(”Members”) | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember(”Adspath”, ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)}) -replace ('WinNT://DOMAIN/' + $server + '/'), '' -replace ('WinNT://DOMAIN/', 'DOMAIN\') -replace ('WinNT://', '')

$Result += Write-Output "SERVER: $server"
$Result += Write-Output ' '
$Result += ( getAdmins )
$Result += Write-Output '____________________________'
$Result += Write-Output ' '

$Result > c:\results.txt

Invoke-Item c:\results.txt
You can simply add another -replace ('WinNT://DOMAIN/', 'DOMAIN\') for each domain in the system. I know its a little hack 'n slash but it will do for now.
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Automatically clean up orphaned user directories

We've had a huge problem where users were removed from Active Directory, but somehow the administrators neglected to remove the home folder for the user from the file servers. This left someone with the nasty task of cleaning up the mess.

This script will work through a directory of home folders and lookup the user in AD. This is assuming that the home folder and the user id are the same. If the user is not found, or the account is disabled, the folder will be renamed with a leading "orphan-" followed by the original name. The script requires a parameter, which is the path where the folders are located. e.g. "findorphans.ps1 c:\users" The script requires that the Quest Powershell Commandlets are installed, and they can be downloaded free, here.

$folders=Get-ChildItem -Path $target | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "orphan*" -and ($_.PSISContainer)} | Select-Object name
foreach ($folder in $folders){
Write-Host ""
"PROCESSING FOLDER: {0} "   -f $
write-host "Searching for a possible owner..."
$user=Get-QADUser $
$newid="orphan-" + $
$fullpath=$target + "\" + $
"Account Disabled: {0} "   -f $user.AccountIsDisabled

if ($userid.length -lt "0" -or $user.AccountIsDisabled -eq "True") {
Write-Host "No owner found or account disabled, orphan folder renamed to" $newid -ForegroundColor Red
rename-Item -Path $fullpath -NewName $newid
else {
Write-Host "Owner found" $user -ForegroundColor Green
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Remote Defrag using WMI

This is a script I created to analyze and defrag Windows 2003 server volumes using the WMI win32_volume defrag method.  The script will collect all volumes on a list of remote servers using WMI. Each volume is then analyzed for fragmentation using the FilePercentFragmentation property. If the fragmentation property is higher than 10 the script will initiate a remote defrag on the volume.  You should see a process on the remote server called “dfrgntfs.exe” running while the defrag is in progress. Sadly I have not found a method to track the progress of the defrag process. You can adjust the fragmentation percentage threshold at which a defrag is initiated by editing line 12.  Replace "SERVER1" "SERVER2" with your server names. Comments or suggestions are always welcome.

$servers="SERVER1", "SERVER2"
foreach( $server in $servers){
Write-Host ""
$v=(gwmi win32_volume -computer $server)
"CURRENT SERVER: {0} " -f $server
"NUMBER VOLUMES: {0} " -f $v.length

foreach( $volume in $v){
Write-Host ""
write-host "Analyzing fragmentation on" ($volume.DriveLetter) "..."
if ($frag -gt "10") {
write-host "Drive" ($volume.DriveLetter) "is currently" $frag "% fragmented." -foreground RED
write-host "Starting remote defrag..."
else {
write-host "Drive" ($volume.DriveLetter) "is not fragmented" -foreground GREEN
Write-Host ""
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